Our system gives you the possibility of generating a secure channel between many devices. From a PC computer to a mobile, mobile to mobile , or mobile to PC, unliminted calls and without any restriction. Uses the most secure algorithm which is AES-256, approved by the NSA (National Security Agency – U.S.A.) with ZRTP support. When establishing a secure communication, confirmation displayed SAS code, which is a security digital key for each call generated randomly.
Both partners will see this security key to start the call secure. To ensure that your channel is safe, said key exchange with your partner verbally, if both display the same correctly in their side, that communication is totally secure. If code do not match any character immediately cut the call, as your communication is being intercepted. Once valid SAS code is done, you have a secure call, using the highest technology in the world.
We recommend using a fast Internet connection, either GPRS or wifi internet. Voice codecs, automatically detect the bandwidth of the channel to adapt in the best way possible.
Price is per device. In order to have a secure channel you need at least 2 (two) devices.After payment is done, you will receive your login credentials to server.(username & password).
If you are interested in a private server for your company or for personal use, please contact us by email.We develop custom made versions.